Building Standards Limited is among the leading material testing and Engineering consulting company providing Laboratory Testing and Field testing (destructive and non-destructive testing-NTD) services under one organized system registered with Pakistan Engineering Council(PEC). As an engineering consultant company Building Standards Limited has several thousand successfully completed projects to its credit. The company has a core team of experts comprising of engineers, analytical consultants, and laboratory scientists who are assisted by professional support staff in order to best meet the international standards and client requirements.
20,000+ PROJECTS
Structural Stability Certificate of Tetra Pak Pakistan Ltd., Sundar Industrial Estate, Lahore-CBRE
Structural Stability of DIC TPQ Hall Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of Corton Line Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of Diesel Power Plant Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of Old F.P Office Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of CPD Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of F.P Dispatch Area Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of F.P Sliting Hall Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of DIC Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of DIC TPQ Hall Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of Corton Line Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packgaes Limited
Structural Stability of Diesel Power Plant Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of Old F.P Office Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of CPD Building in Packages Limited, Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of F.P Dispatch Area Building in Packages Limited Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability of F.P Sliting Hall Building in Pakcakges Limited Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited
Structural Stability Certificate of DIC Building in Packages Limited Walton Road, Lahore-Packages Limited